A future with Better Odds

Portrait of Anna Loverus

After more than two incredible years working with H&M, it's time for a new adventure ...

I think many of you have realised that the world is increasingly uncertain. Climate change, geopolitical tension, information threats, and emerging technologies are some of the risks that can impact a brand or business today.

However, organisations that handle this uncertainty well will gain an advantage over their competition. And it will - for sure - impact their bottom line.

Since I believe many companies will need a different kind of partner in this new world, I'm launching Better Odds – a niche agency focused on helping global businesses successfully navigate uncertainty.

Better Odds will help organisations predict and understand risks, plan scenarios and responses, and communicate strategically – when stakes are high. Data and digital tools will power human consultants to do this work in new, innovative ways.

The goal is to reduce risks for our clients proactively, but we will also provide real-time crisis management support when needed.


While it feels a bit scary to launch a business in an economic downturn, I'm grateful for all the encouragement I've received so far, and very like, share, and DM makes me a little more confident in this venture.

If you are curious, want to know more, or have ideas or questions, I would love to chat over coffee or lunch.